MOU with GAiN Korea

Dear COAH,

I signed an MOU between the Living Fountain Foundation NGO and GAiN (Global Aid Network) Korea while I was in Seoul last week. GAiN Korea is part of an international network which operates under Power to Change (formerly the Campus Crusade for Christ). It has two foci: relief work in disaster areas worldwide and education initiatives in developing countries.  

When the director of GAin Korea heard about our work in Cambodia, he was interested in partnering with us. We also needed a reputable NGO in Korea to partner in raising godly leaders in Cambodia. It worked out well for both of us. At present, GAiN Korea works in Laos, Pakistan, Syria, and Iraq for education and relief work. By having an MOU with GAiN Korea, any individual or group in Korea wishing to be part of our work in Cambodia can send their financial support through GAiN Korea and partner with us.  

When I learned about the work of GAiN Korea for its commitment to social issues, I was both surprised and happy because Power to Change (CCC) used to focus mainly on saving souls and making disciples. I did not realize that it also developed a branch specializing in social involvement. I am glad that it did because I believe in the wholistic gospel touching our body, mind, and spirit.  

 Our church is still responsible for all matters pertaining to the LFF properties and the NGO operations in Cambodia. However, by having GAiN Korea onboard, we can invite more believers outside our church to dream dreams and partnering with us in raising godly leaders for Cambodia. 


Pastor Minho Song


Happy Mother’s Day


I am Visiting Cambodia.