Our Leadership

Meet Our Pastors


rev joshua jeon/ SENIOR PASTOR

  • Konkuk University in South Korea (B.A. in Jewish Studies)

  • Chongshin Theological Seminary (M.div.)

  • Calvin Theological Seminary (Th.M in Preaching)

  • Emmanuel College and TSTin the University of Toronto (Th.D in Homiletics)


Kyu Park

Associate Pastor

Pastor Kyu is part of the CoaH team as of 2022. He is married to Janey and they have two children (Jaden and Zoe).

Tim Song

Associate Pastor

Pastor Tim is part of the CoaH team as of July, 2015 as our Poiema (College aged), Worship and Missions Pastor. He is married to Irene.

Edgar Nho

Children’s Pastor

Pastor Edgar has been with Young Nak Church since 2006, first as a Youth Intern Pastor, second as the Junior Grade 4-6 Pastor and currently the English Speaking Children's Education Director. He is married to Grace. His favourite hobby is weight lifting.

Ron Kwon

Youth Pastor

Ron is the youth pastor for Delta, the English youth ministry of Young Nak Church. He has a heart for the next generation church. He’s happily married to Hye-Young since 2018 and has a wide variety of interests ranging from weightlifting to motorcycling. Ron can be a jack-of-all-trades but can’t master even one.


Eugene lee

Associate Pastor, St. James Town

Pastor Eugene has been pastoring and leading our St. James Town church since August, 2020. He is married to Lily.

Alireza Amani

Part-time Pastor, Outreach Ministry

Christy Amani

Part-time Pastor, Counselling & Women’s Ministry


Linda Lee

Toddler Room Supervisor

Meet Our Elders


Michael Y. Kim

Henry Park

John Park

John Park

Ruben Kim

Jung Ahn

Meet Our Deacons

Brian Kim


Joon Hwang


Jessica Yim


Fernando Lee


Alfred Yim

Adult Education

Chun Kim

Member Care

Jae Choi

Information Tech.

Joseph Im

Creative Ministry

Paul Park


Gill Lee

Gill Lee

St. James Town

Hannah Rhee

Life Group

Jae Ho Kim

Toddler, PreK & K

James Kim

Global Missions

Jason Wong

Poiema & Emerge

Sunyoung Lee

Adult Education

David Yoon


Teddy Kim

Children’s Education

Marty Lee


Kristy Moon


Steve Cho


Howard Uh

Local Missions

Bill Kim

Men’s Ministry

Sophia Han

Women’s Ministry

Royce Lee
