Have You Read Dr. Tozer?

Dear CoaH,

Let me introduce another Christian writer from whom I learned so much. His name is A.W. Tozer (1897-1963), and he is often known as a modern-day prophet or mystic. He was a Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination pastor and pastored a church in Chicago for a long time. Towards the end of his years, he also pastored a congregation on Avenue Road in Toronto. The church later moved to the suburb and was renamed Bayview Glen Church.

What I like about Tozer’s writing is the spiritual sharpness I sense. I feel like going to a doctor and getting a diagnosis on my spiritual health. He will often point me towards issues that have to do with impure motives or pride. He does not mince words but tells me straight on what the problem is. He regularly wrote for his denomination’s magazine, and his books are the collections of these writings. He is best known for the Knowledge of the Holy, which is a study of the attributes of God. My all-time favorite is The Root of the Righteous. Just take a look at some of the chapter titles:

• The Root of the Righteous

• We Must Give Time to God

• Listen to the Man Who Listens to God

• Bible Taught or Spirit Taught?

• No Regeneration Without Reformation

• The Presence More Important than the Program

• The Hunger of the Wilderness

I encourage you to start with this book. This book is handy as we come out of the pandemic. Let Tozer speak and break through our spiritual rut. Listen to him about what it means to listen to God. You will not regret it.

May the LORD bless you and keep you safe.

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