The Bible Verse I Cherish in Times Like This
Dear Church,
I like this verse, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Prov. 11:25). It is such a fitting verse when we are struggling during the pandemic. Let me share with you two positive points from this verse.
First, generosity leads to prosperity. If you are a generous person, you will prosper. Wow, that is quite a promise! A generous person knows the value of sharing and helping one another. When we live like that, there is a promise from God that we will prosper in what we do. Let us pray that we will be more generous to others, especially those under our care or leadership.
Second, refreshing others will, in turn, refresh ourselves. In other words, when we help others, we end up helping ourselves. We all recall when we did something nice for others, like clearing snow for our elderly neighbor. We end up feeling so good afterward! It must be God’s design and economy to do good to others for our good. We are meant to encourage others so that we, too, get encouraged. So, if you are down because nobody seems to care, I’d say go out and care for others. You will be encouraged.
We are going through a difficult time during the pandemic, even taking a significant toll on our emotions. We need to stay positive by holding firm to the promises of God. Proverbs 11:25 is one such promise. Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to meditate and act upon it.
May the LORD bless you and keep you strong!
Pastor Minho Song