It is Time to See Visions and Dream Dreams.

Dear COAH, 

Last week, I went to the English Presbytery (EP). There are 19 presbyteries within our denomination, the Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA), and it is the only presbytery that speaks English. The people who belong to EP grew up in the Korean immigrant churches in North America and established their churches (EM or independent), and now those churches formed the presbytery. The EP is still in its early stage. In comparison to some 400 churches that make up 19 presbyteries within our denomination, less than ten fellowship groups (or churches) are part of the EP. We are familiar with the problem of the ‘Silent Exodus,' that is, the mass exit by the second-generation believers from their parent churches. Some end up in Canadian or American churches, but most leave the church. If it is any consolation, we find a similar hemorrhaging of faith in most churches, whether they serve immigrants or not. 

One of the big reasons the next generation is leaving the church is the rapid secularization process. The world is increasingly turning away from God and rejecting the teachings of the Bible. In a secular world, Christian values from the Bible have no place. Instead, the minds of our children are full of values that come from humanism and materialism. No matter how much they learn the word of God at church, unless the parents intentionally instill Christian values in their children, the result is always the same: they espouse secular values.  

Did you know that many Christian parents aid in this process without knowing? Here's an example. During Lent, our children learn about the meaning of Jesus' suffering and death at church. They go home and receive a confusing message when their parents plan on vacation and fun activities during the March break. Instead of a week at a theme park, why not go on a short-term mission trip with our children and experience the power of God's love? When parents are not discerning and intentional, our children receive conflicting messages, and secularism wins over their souls.  

Fewer and fewer people enter seminaries to prepare for ministry. We know that the Catholic Church can't fill its churches with priests. Well, we are getting there, too. City on a Hill can't fill the position for our kindergarten pastor, even though we have been looking everywhere. When was the last time we sent out a missionary from our community? Doesn't the Bible say that young people will see visions in the Last Days, and older people will dream dreams? I pray that we will see visions and have dreams now. Secularization will continue, but we believe in God, who is at work. God calls His faithful people to rise and respond. Yes, it is time to rise again. Let us humbly participate in God's mission. 


Pastor Minho Song 


Go Away Despair and Welcome Hope!

