
Dear COAH, 

Today's church finds itself in an increasingly secular society. We can think of three ways the church can relate to society.

The first option is accommodation. The church and society SHARE a way of life for the common good of all people. Trying to be in step with society, the church attempts to accept many of the values and protocols forwarded by society.

The second option is separation. The church goes its way, and society also has its way. The church finds many things in society to be repulsive and unacceptable. The result is an ever-increasing gap between the two, to the point where the church becomes irrelevant, if not offensive, in the eyes of society (and vice-versa).

The third option is engagement. Having come out of society, the church understands how society works and organizes itself to enter the world again. It engages with the world meaningfully to dialogue, learn, communicate, and ultimately share the good news of Jesus Christ.

It does not take a rocket scientist to know which of the three is the most challenging path to take. Meaningful engagement is what our Lord Jesus Christ wants from his followers.

"Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." (John 20:21)

Jesus was not afraid of sending his disciples BACK to the world. He made it clear that his disciples would be IN the world but not OF it. 

Brothers and sisters, we must engage the world by taking a keen interest in what is happening worldwide, such as the war in Ukraine, China's alleged involvement in Canada's elections, the recent collapse of certain banks in Silicon Valley, and the spiritual revival in Asbury.

Let us continue to pray for God's spiritual wisdom so we can discern the times for the Kingdom's sake and walk in a manner worthy of His calling.


Pastor Minho Song 


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