Putin's Cross

Dear COAH, 

The appeal of the Cross of Jesus Christ is not in strength. The Cross shows that the strong do not win; the weak do. The Cross shows God's unchanging love, even when suffering and ridicule are ever present. The Cross is the exact opposite of the power that worldly people seek. The Cross is a mystery that people like Putin don't realize. Putin, who took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by unleashing a reckless war, cannot possibly know God's love shown on the Cross.


The appeal of the Cross is not even in success. The world values success and considers it the ultimate prize for the last man standing. Putin thinks he is the one, having been in charge of Russia for the previous 20 years. But like all dictators, Putin's end will come like a thief and be disastrous. Just wait and see. Our Lord, on the other hand, knew nothing about success on the Cross. If anything, the Cross was a failure as he served people. By his death, Jesus freed people from the snares of sin and death. It was service, not success, that was shown on the cross. Someone like Putin will never know this.


The appeal of the Cross is never in victory. The rulers of the world forge fearsome weapons to invade other countries. Putin has no regrets for starting his 'special military operation' on Ukraine, even though his decision killed hundreds of thousands of lives. He even mentions the use of nuclear weapons often, without hesitation. Selfish Putin has no way of knowing about this Cross.


The appeal of the Cross is in love. Jesus died on the cross because he loved us. His love for us was real.  When Putin gave a recruitment speech a year ago (March of 2022), he dared to quote the words of Jesus, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13).

What does the Cross mean to Putin?


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Ebenezer Christian Academy in Nicaragua