Ebenezer Christian Academy in Nicaragua

Dear COAH, 

I visited Ebenezer Christian Academy in Nicaragua this past week.

This past week I travelled to Nicaragua with several church members to see the work of our missionaries, Do Sung and Mi Ryun Lee. They are a couple in their early 70s who spent the last six years building a reputable Christian school called Ebenezer Christian Academy in Nicaragua. The school is located near Masatape, Nicaragua, about one hour south of the airport. With the money from selling their home in Oakville, they purchased a coffee farm and turned it into a beautiful school with several buildings for grades up to five. Their goal is to continue adding classrooms until the children graduate high school. Our team went to be part of the Inauguration service. The pandemic pushed the dates at least two years later.

I invite you to come and see for yourself sometime. Michael and Caroll are here with me, along with several KM members. We are all impressed and encouraged by what a committed couple can do for the Lord. Imagine learning Spanish from scratch in your 60s, enough to buy a piece of land, work with government officials for permits, supervise construction workers, etc. It is impressive to watch them communicate well with teachers and students.

Consider coming here to teach English or Computer for a semester. As a retired couple, when most people are content to live out their remaining years enjoying what life offers, Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s purpose is clear: to raise godly leaders for Nicaragua. I applaud their service to the Lord and the country. I pray that God will bring more like-minded servants to this impoverished country.  


Pastor Minho Song 


Putin's Cross


Goodbye, Mr. Tory.