What will Our Future Hold?
Dear COAH,
In preparation for tomorrow's congregational meeting (January 21st), I went back to my computer files looking for old pictures from my EM days. As early as 1991 and 1993, I found the photos of our college and career team's mission trips to Haiti and Russia. Everyone was single then, not knowing what the future would hold for them. Thirty years have gone by, and here we are, married with children and, in some cases, even grandchildren.
Our church went through so much change, mainly growth and maturity. Our church building went from a rented facility to one of the more extensive church facilities in the city, from a handful of believers to a faith community of thousands. We are grateful that, along the way, the Lord used us to bring the gospel to many parts of the world. We were instrumental in establishing several churches here and far away. We are grateful for the impact God made in Kyrgyzstan through our obedience. We are thankful for our work in Cambodia, Mexico, and other parts of the world. Looking back, we can only say it is by God's grace. May the Lord be glorified!
Where do we go from here? What does our future hold? As generations come and go, God's work continues through His servants who believe in the coming of God's Kingdom. As I will share with you tomorrow morning, I believe God calls us to live redemptively in the world. Let us dream big dreams for the sake of Christ. As William Carey (1761-1834), the father of modern missions, once said, "expect great things from God and attempt great things for God." I will leave with you a couple of photos from years gone by.
(With college members, Haiti, 1991)
(With career members, Russia, 1993)
Pastor Minho Song