We need to Pray a lot in 2023.

Dear COAH, 

We spent the past two weeks focusing on prayer. We prayed in the early mornings, in relay forms, and every night at 9 pm. It was a spiritual discipline to pray every day at set times. I liked the fact that many church members stopped and prayed at 9 pm every evening, wherever they might be. We took twelve prayer topics during the evening prayers and prayed for five minutes each. When I came to the fourth and eleventh topics, I prayed more fervently. I understand why. The fourth topic is about the next senior pastor search. I prayed that God would be with us every step of the way and give us the best result.

The eleventh topic is North Korea. I realized that not praying for this poor and troubled nation is a sin against God. Yes, you read it right. I wrote the word ‘sin.’ I prayed for the persecuted Christians in the underground church of North Korea. I learned that the hill where Jang Dae Hyun Church once stood, that place of holy gathering where the 1907 Pyung Yang Revival took place, is now the citadel for the idol worship of Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jung Il. My heart ached as I prayed for the removal of these statues and the unification of two nations based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The prayer emphasis weeks are over, but that does not mean we move on from prayers. We should plan on praying more in 2023. Without prayer, our survival is at stake. Of all things, our planet does not stand a chance. The earth is very sick, if not terminally ill. Take, for example, what is happening in California. We know climate change has taken a toll in that State. But have we stopped to fathom the extent of the damage? Just last summer, California went through the harshest drought in years with soaring temperatures. Forests caught fire, and many homes were destroyed. Now, look at what is happening. It is not drought but flood! In less than a year, we go from one extreme to another. The State declared an emergency in many parts because of pouring rain, flooding, and landslides. Have you seen that peaceful town in California now under flood?

We must get out of spiritual slumber if we are in it. And we must recognize the fact that we live in a very unusual time. Without prayer, we may not last that long. We must pray and ask for God’s mercy. Brothers and sisters, I invite you to spend much more time in prayer in the new year. We need lots more prayers for the church and for our lives. I hope I do not sound cliché, but I think the end is near. Yes, that is what I said, the end. It is time to rise and pray.

May all of us remain alert and spiritually discerning. May the Lord bless you and keep you.


Pastor Minho Song 


What will Our Future Hold?


Starting the New Year on a Positive Note.