It was Good to Spend a Few Days Alone.

Dear CoaH,

It was good to spend a few days alone at Young Nak Retreat Centre. It was time for rest and recovery. You may ask, “recovery from what?” It was a time to recover my voice from the many voices of others. It was essential to listen to what I was saying amidst busy schedules and meetings. But, most importantly, it was critical to listen to the voice of God.

For this, I tried to read the Bible slowly. I realized how much detail I had missed by reading the Scripture too quickly. The angel, not the devil, was in the details! For example, a small point about John Mark’s leaving the company in Acts 13:13 turned out to be very important because his departure becomes the subject of a significant dispute between Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15:36-41. Yes, by slowing down, I observe more

While walking outside the retreat centre, I noticed something unusual about the apple trees. I expect nothing but barren apple trees in the cold, snowy fields this time of the year. But what did I see? Wow, how come the apples are still hanging in the branches? Of course, it was an ugly sight to behold. These apples were scorched by the sun, withered, and all frozen up. What had happened? What happened to the migrant farm workers this year?

Well, it is time to pack up and return to the busy routine: no more solitude and rest. I enjoyed this break, and I should come back soon.


Pastor Minho Song 


Merry Christmas!


Prayer for China