Our Children in This Changing World
Dear CoaH,
Our world has rapidly changed, and the biblical values that people held previously are no longer valued or recognized. As we look around, we find fewer and fewer people interested in joining the church. I read a shocking article the other day. The Presbyterian Church in Korea (the Tong Hap branch) is rapidly declining. Ten years ago, it had about three million members. Today, the number has gone down to 2.35 million. By 2028, the membership will hit below the 2 million mark. We can attribute the decline in membership to the passing of older members and the failure of younger generations to take their places. Currently, those enrolled in church schools are about 276,000, from infants to middle and high school students. Unless these numbers replenish, the church has no choice but to close its doors.
Recently, our church (the KM side) has welcomed many families with young children. The joining of these families is a very encouraging sign. We must value young families and do our utmost to provide quality church education. We must do our best to help our children grow up with a correct biblical worldview, as our children will face the daunting task of overcoming the waves of secularization. The family and the church must work together to teach our children how to discern the rough waters. They will need to learn how to distinguish what is right from wrong. They will have to know about our God who created the world, recognize that we humans live in sin before God, realize that Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us, and learn to live as children of God.
People are religious, but not in the way Christians think. Some seek spirituality through yoga and meditation. Some find it perfectly fine to define marriage as the union of two persons regardless of gender. Some even experiment with more than two persons in a marriage. They do not want preconceived notions to dictate what they feel is right. That is the world our children will have to navigate as they grow older. It is all the more reason why we must be awake and keep the word of truth. The family and the church must work together to help our children resist darkness and shine before the world.
Pastor Minho Song