We’ve got to do something about it.

Dear COAH,

This summer's heat will set a record among records. Looking at the extreme climate change going around us. Environmental activists have been saying that the greatest crime humankind has committed since the industrial revolution is destroying the ecosystem. Scientists have warned us repeatedly, but we have also ignored the signs for so long. Now we are reaping what we have sown: significant disasters caused by climate change.

Some of us have less time on earth than others, and we feel very sorry for the next generation because we are leaving a mess behind. We did not pay too much attention when some said that even our hamburger-eating habits must change. We did not know that by the time we got our meat patties, there was so much greenhouse gas emitted. I am very sorry that I preferred driving over walking, and a bigger space for everything compared to a small one. The bottom line is that we failed to care for God's wonderful creation. Our greed is the problem.

The Arctic is melting and raising sea levels. Coastal cities like Jakarta are already submerging. Scientists tell us that there are few days left to see polar bears before extinction. What about indiscriminate logging? The jungles of Brazil and Indonesia are rapidly decimating, which work like the earth's lungs. The earth is much sicker than we assume. We cannot afford to let it go. It is the only planet we have.

What can we do to reverse earth warming? Can we make a difference? Some scientists talk about 'geoengineering.' But it will take some time to examine all the issues involved, including the possible side effects of manipulating the environment to reduce or slow down global warming. In the meantime, we must find ways to reduce heat-trapping gases by using less energy and reducing our carbon emissions. For example, here is a site that explains it well for me.



Pastor Minho Song


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