Seven Visitors from Korea

Dear COAH,


Seven visitors from Korea


Last week I had a precious time with seven visitors from Korea. They are all involved in the missional church movement. They want to see the family, the church, and the village well-integrated and renewed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Three theologians and four pastors of varying congregational sizes took the time to come and bless Toronto. There was a two-day pastors’ conference at Young Nak Retreat Centre. There was also a church school conference (KM) from twenty participating churches on Saturday. 


I had beautiful conversations with the visitors. What one of them told me was very refreshing: “I used to criticize the wrongs the Korean churches were doing and insisted on reform. But I realized that criticisms and demands do not change a thing. Instead, I learned to focus on the positives, the right actions some churches were doing.”  He became part of the missional church movement in Korea, discovering and introducing missional churches to others.  


I was so grateful to them for carving out their busy schedule and coming to Toronto at their expense. Our church provided the rest of their needs to ensure a smooth ten-day stay. I was so thankful to see many church members step up and offer their homes and meals for them. Hospitality in action!


We’ve got to do something about it.


Guard Your Emotions