For our stronger inner self

Dear COAH,

Many of us spend hours in the gym to stay fit and healthy. Our body does not lie when we do a hard day’s work regularly: we gain muscle mass, fitness, and many other benefits. When we neglect to care for our body, our body also shows. We become quickly out of shape, gasping for air for a run.

Our spiritual life is the same. Unless we pay attention to it and give ample time to stay fit and healthy, it also goes through so much trouble. A healthy spiritual life is always the product of proper care and effort. We must not take Paul’s words, “though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day,” to mean that the renewal of the inner self happens automatically, as though we do not need to do anything. I don’t think that is what Paul meant.

We must make a concerted effort to stay on track spiritually. We must constantly watch our inner being and ensure we are free from the things that weigh us down spiritually. I propose a four-step system for staying spiritually fit:

1.   A detection system. We are closely in tune with our inner needs, wishes, and feelings, ensuring that pride, lust, greed, jealousy, strife, and otherworldly things do not get in the way.

2.   A response system. If we ever give in to an apparent moral or spiritual problem, we take a clean break from it and respond. We repent of our wrongful ways and turn our hearts to God.

3.   A restoration system. Through reflection and rest, we receive the affirmation from the Lord that our sins are forgiven and that we are made whole again.

4.   A training system. To become more substantial followers of Jesus Christ, we receive discipleship, evangelism, and missional living training.  

What do you think? I invite you to come up with a system that works for you.


Pastor Minho Song


Until We Meet Again


Is your prayer fueled by faith?