Lessons from Golden Delicious apples 

Dear COAH,

Twenty to forty different kinds of apples exist for global consumption. Gala, Honeycrisp, Empire, McIntosh Red, Cortland, Fuji, Ginger Gold, Red Delicious, Ambrosia, Jonagold, and more types are available in Ontario. At Mr. Donnet's apple farm, just outside Young Nak Retreat Centre in Brighton, I first learned the superior taste of Ambrosia apples. For several years, my taste buds have been fixed on Ambrosia, as I have appreciated its taste and texture. They are just about right for me. 

Last week, following our pastors' retreat, we went over to Donnet's apple farm for apple picking. I did not think twice about other possibilities and went straight to where Ambrosia apple trees were. The apples were not one hundred percent ripe, but good enough. I was grateful to the Lord for another year of enjoying fresh apples. I looked up and noticed that one of the trees was not Ambrosia but bearing yellow apples. They were Golden Delicious apples. I am curious to know how this tree got planted in the first place among Ambrosia apple trees. But there it was, bearing lots of Golden Delicious. Surprisingly, these apples WERE quite delicious! 

I felt like a fool, having insisted on Ambrosia apples all along.  What life lessons could I draw from the recent apple-picking experience? I realized how stubborn I had been. Had I not insisted on eating Ambrosia only, I could have discovered so many apple types. Isn't it true that we tend to go to the same restaurants and coffee shops? Don’t the comforts of the familiar lure us not to try out new things? What about spiritual things? What would happen if I chose not to be bound by the same experiences?    


Pastor Minho Song

A photo of golden delicious apples

Search Committee Report


Praising God should be a priority.