Going Forward…

Dear Church,


My daily pastoral letter to you will end as of July 31st. Many have expressed gratitude to me, but I also want to thank you for reading my text every day! I wanted to continue sending the letters until the war with COVID-19 was over and we were back to our regular routine, but I felt that this was the right time to end. As you may know, it has been challenging the past few months as my energy was sapped in helping to bring stability to our English-speaking ministry. I need rest and restoration before getting back to the rigorous work in the fall.


The Korean-speaking and English-speaking congregations in our church will need more efforts to build a good partnership moving forward. We knew of and acknowledged each other's presence, but we lacked fellowship and collaboration for God's work. I, the senior pastor, am the first to acknowledge my shortcomings in this. From now on, I plan to preach regularly at City on a Hill services and spend more time communicating the church's overall vision along with the leadership of City on a Hill.


I hope that those leaving to plant a new church will build a healthy church. Be sure to listen to the voice of the Spirit and do what the Lord wants. Be grateful to the body that is blessing you as you leave. I heard a brother, who had left EM to be part of a new church plant, say that 'I did not know this before, but we realized how precious the stable KM was when we faced hardships of our own.'


I take comfort in Romans 8:28, "and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I pray that everyone, whether leaving or staying, will become spiritually stronger and dedicate their lives for the Kingdom's sake.


 May the LORD bless you and keep you strong.
Pastor Minho Song


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