Love One Another

Dear Church,


It is a quiet morning. Toronto’s weather is back to a bit chilly side, and the heatwave we went through seems like just another memory. Remember how hot it was and not easy to go outside? Well, this morning, we need a light jacket.

We listened to news coming out of Lytton, BC, a lot this week. Each day we heard how this village rewrote the record high temperature in Canada. Last Tuesday, it recorded the highest degree of 49.6 Celsius. Moreover, the residents living in the furnace-like condition saw 90% of their houses burned down in a wildfire. Over one thousand homes were destroyed. The residents received the evacuation order with little time to go back and collect things from their houses.

I thought about what I would do as I was reading the news article. What would I do if I had only five minutes to get out of the house and run? What would I grab? (There was a similar discussion in our small group discussion some time ago.) The answer is ‘not a whole lot.’ If I were pressed for answers, I would say, ‘I would take my wallet containing the credit cards and IDs, the passport, some cash (if I have them in the house), and a few clothing items.’ Maybe I might also take some light things that bring precious memories.

We acquire many things throughout our lives, but those items are not essential. In the face of raging fire, we understand that all will disappear in flames. They are burdensome liabilities when we must move. So, we should ask once again, ‘what are the things that last forever?’ It may sound like a cliché, but the correct answer is love. Love is the only thing that lasts. How we give and serve one another out of a generous spirit and choose to stay together as one is what counts. Everything we see on earth will disappear, but the memories of love in our hearts will last.


"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." (1 John 4:12)


May the LORD bless you and keep you strong.
Pastor Minho Song


(P.S., I want to welcome the readers from City on a Hill. This letter replaces pastor Peter’s Friday pastoral letter for the next while).


Joshua Lee (Confirmation)


“Did You Know?” - Final Devotional from Pastor Peter