Don’t Forget

Dear Church,


I feel as I get older, I tend to forget things.  Where did I place my keys?  Where’s my wallet?  Why did I walk into this room?  I hope I’m not the only one that’s had these experiences.  Forgetfulness is normal.  We want to forget and even erase bad memories, but some things should never be forgotten.  One of the things we should never forget is the story of God entering our lives. 


The book of Deuteronomy is the final book of the Pentateuch (literally meaning: “the five books”).  The title means “the second law”.  The setting finds the Israelites at the border of Canaan, ready to enter the Promised Land.  After all the years of wandering, they’ve finally arrived, and Moses repeats the Law to them for the second time.  The first time was at Mt. Sinai in Exodus 20.  Since it has been so many years since the great acts of God when he delivered his people from bondage in Egypt, it’s fitting that they should be reminded.  So, in chapter 4:9 Moses says,


Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.


“Don’t forget,” he says.  He exhorts, “Don’t let them fade from you heart.”  Forget what?  Specifically, Moses mentions in the following verses, Sinai.  Don’t forget what happened at Sinai, and what was it that came at Sinai?  The giving of the Law of God.  How do you view the Law of God?  No one normally gets excited about laws, unless, perhaps, we’ve lived in a repressive society where the freedoms we are accustomed to are restricted.  Then, when we return home, we kiss the pavement, appreciating the good laws of our land more than ever.  Look at how Moses views the law in the immediately preceding verses.  He says,


7 “What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him? 8 And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?”


Aren’t we all guilty of not thinking about God’s Law in this way?  It truly is an incredible blessing for us to have righteous decrees and laws!  God did not graciously give his laws to any other people -- only to Israel.


So, Moses says, “Don’t forget that God gave you his perfect Law.  Don’t forget what you saw at Sinai.  Don’t forget the two tablets, the Ten Commandments and don’t forget that when God gave you his Law, you didn’t see any form of God; no, he spoke to you out of the fire.  So, don’t you dare make an idol as you settle in the new land.”


Now, let me take you back to verse 9.  In this verse he gives us some commands.  First, is the command to be careful and watch ourselves closely so that we do not forget the things we saw and heard at Sinai.  We must not allow these things to fade from our hearts.  Close attention is needed if we want to make sure we do not forget, which is what we are all prone to do.  One of the ways we do not forget must be by reading, meditating on and sharing the Law of God.  Just consider the overarching story of the Bible.  It’s the story of God saving sinners.  It doesn’t matter if you’re reading Genesis or Revelation, Old Testament or New Testament, the story in every book, on practically ever page, is God stepping into the world of sinful men and women, to love them and save them.  Keep reading that story so you never forget. 


Second, Moses instructs us to teach the Law to our children and to their children after them.  Later in chapter 6, Moses says about God’s commands, “Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  People of God, share the story of how God saved you.  Teach others about God’s great Law.”  Share this with your children and share it with your friends.  Share how God is speaking to you today from his holy Word.  There are many things that we may forget, but let’s not forget this one thing.


Soli Deo Gloria
Pastor Peter


What is Your Favourite Verse?


Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Sunday