What is Your Favourite Verse?

Dear Church,


What’s your favourite Bible verse?  It’s okay if you don’t have one, but many of us do.  It may be your favourite because it was the verse that led you to Christ, or one that spoke to you in a time of great need.  If I had to choose my favourite verse, I think would be Galatians 2:20.  I don’t remember why it became my favourite verse, but if I had to I venture a guess, I think it’s because it spoke to me in a very powerful way. 


I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.


I do remember that it became my favourite verse way back when I first became a Christian during my time in university.  There was something about this verse that so beautifully described my relationship with my Saviour, Jesus Christ.  I do know more about this verse’s meaning now than I did back then, but it still continues to ring truth into my heart.  This verse describes the nature of my union with Christ.  It tells me that when Jesus died, I died, and since I’ve died, that means I no longer live.  Instead of me living, it is now Christ who lives in me.  You see, in order to be a Christian, you have to die.  That goes for everyone.  You have to die to your old self -- your old sinful nature.  That’s how dramatic Christian conversion it is.  It’s not about getting a bit better or being a tad less bad.  It’s not about that at all.  It’s about death and it’s about life.  There was no good in me before Christ, so all of me had to be put to death.  My entire old nature had to die.  Then, Christ comes and breathes new life into me, but more than that, by his Holy Spirit, he actually lives in me.  Have you ever thought about how incredible that is?  The Lord of the Universe and Hope of the World lives in you and in me.  That’s the only way we live.   


In the next sentence, Paul describes the life we now live.  We’re living life now because we died and Christ now lives in us.  That means we don’t remain dead; instead, we are given new life or, as Jesus said, we are born again!  This life is not lived in the ethereal world, it’s lived in our flesh and bone, it’s lived in the body.  We live out our Christian lives in a physical world, but the way we live has changed.  Now, as Christians, we live life by faith in the Son of God, the one who lives in us.  That means that we live trusting in him and in his promises.  That means living by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, which Paul will get to in chapter 5.  That means that we’re not trying to earn brownie points thinking that by being good, we gain God’s approval.  That means that we live with Jesus as our Lord.  That is what it means to live by faith in the Son of God. 


What did the Son of God do for me?  He loved me and gave himself for me.  To say that Jesus loves me is more than a slogan on a poster; it’s one of the profoundest statements that we can utter.  


                “Jesus loves me.” 


Say it again.


                “Jesus loves me.” 


How did he show his love?  He gave himself for me, that is, he died on the cross for me.  That’s how much Jesus loves me and Jesus loves you too.


I think Galatians 2:20 is a great choice for a favourite verse.  If you don’t have one, and it’s okay if you don’t, but if you want one, consider making this one your favourite verse.


Soli Deo Gloria
Pastor Peter


Value the Ordinary


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