Which Christian book will you read this week? 

Dear CoaH,

I became a follower of Jesus Christ when I started my university life. While many people I knew were busy with their studies or enjoying the freedom of dorm life, I was busy reading the Bible and Christian books to understand my newly found faith. Nobody forced me to follow this religious path. It was entirely my choice. I loved every minute of searching the scriptures and reading the Christian books to learn about Christianity. I must have read the Bible many times in those days, especially the New Testament portion. I was so grateful to have read many Christian books that helped me understand the faith. 

One of the first books I read was Josh McDowell's More than a Carpenter. The author began with his testimony and then compared Jesus with other religious leaders. I loved the way he tackled the difficult question of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the chapter titled, "Lord, Liar, or Lunatic?" He quoted C.S. Lewis extensively, who had struggled with the same question himself. Another chapter titled "Are the Bible Records Reliable?" was so helpful in understanding how we got the New Testament documents and what the issues are in terms of their reliability. Wow, I can't believe that I still remember these chapter titles more than 44 years later!   

Other helpful books in my formative years as a believer were Paul Little's Know Why You Believe, John Stott's Basic Christianity, C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship, A.W. Tozer's The Root of the Righteous and so forth. I can continue, but let me get to the point: these books were crucial in my early Christian life as they provided me with the reasons to believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him wholeheartedly. They were like the secure anchor for my soul.  

We must recover our passion and zeal for the gospel as we come out of the two-year-long pandemic. Let us get back to reading some good Christian books alongside the Bible. We must give time to God and follow His purpose for our lives. 

Which Christian book are you going to read this week? 

May the LORD bless you and keep you safe.

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