Visiting Living Fountain Centre

Dear COAH, 

I will travel to Cambodia this coming week. It has been five years since my last visit, and I am very excited to see how much our Living Fountain Centre friends have grown. Most of them have come to the centre needing a secure home. By God’s grace, they have done very well. Some have grown up and left home, while others have moved on to university. University? Yes, that is right. Ten students went to university from the orphanage, which is a fantastic feat considering how far they were behind in school when they first came to the centre. Through the loving care and competent work of our missionaries and staff members, they have received lots of care, affection, and education.

I am looking forward to seeing them again!

Do you remember the community center our church built shortly after the orphanage building? It came about due to a request from the village in front of the orphanage. Some people came to us and asked whether sending their children to our centre was alright, even though they were not orphans. Why would they want to send their children to us? The parents thought that by living in the centre and receiving the kind of care the children received, their kids would do much better later in life. It dawned on me that we needed to minister to the people of the village, too. So began the construction of the community centre. Our missionaries began offering after-school programs. Fast forward twelve years, and we have ten or more students attending universities in Phnom Pen due to their exposure to the community centre!

The short-term mission team from KM did extensive repair work last February. The team fixed all the leaks in the building, repainted and painted walls partially inside and outside, and constructed a soccer field with artificial turf. I can’t wait to play with our friends. I want to thank Anne Chun, Suk Bong Choi, and Ae Kyung Choi, our commissioned missionaries, for their tireless work and commitment. Let us lift them in our prayers.


Pastor Minho Song 


Search Committee Update #1 (April 16)


Go Away Despair and Welcome Hope!