Will You Pray with and for the Search Committee, please?

Dear COAH, 

The fifteen-member senior pastor search committee began its work. Coah sent two members, Ruben Kim, and Hannah Rhee. Along with elder Michael Kim, they will add the voices of Coah. Searching and finalizing the next senior pastor will take a year or so. It is an arduous process. The following is an excerpt from the sermon I preached last Wednesday evening during the dedication service of the search committee.

Believe that God has someone in store for us. Wait in fear and trembling as we pray to God, “Oh, Lord, we believe you have a pastor prepared for us. Where can we find him?”

The senior pastor search is a humble process. It is not about selecting and choosing. It is more about discerning and accepting, knowing God has the person in mind for us.

On the surface, we are the ones who are selecting and choosing. We put out an ad, ask for recommendations, and so on. We then look at the candidates and try to find the most suitable person for our church. But from a spiritual perspective, we are discerning and receiving the person God sends to us. It should be both a humbling and prayerful process.

Let us look forward to a day when we have successfully identified and received the person God sends to our church. And let us anticipate how our church will be in a much better place with the new leadership. We will then look back and thank God for taking us through the process in faith.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:5-6).

Will you pray with and for the search committee, please?


Pastor Minho Song 


Goodbye, Mr. Tory.


Living Between One Pole to Another