Thank You for Stepping In
Dear CoaH,
Thank you for stepping in.
Last week’s ordination service lasted almost two hours, much longer than I had anticipated. I appreciate everyone who persevered to the end. Even though the service was long, I hope you will agree with me that it was a meaningful one, meaningful in the sense that both English and Korean-speaking congregation members witnessed the installation of new leaders who would serve the same church. We are called to be one church with the same mandate to work for the same Kingdom. Let us continue to work together despite our differences.
I want to thank all our officers who have stepped in and closed the gap during our difficult time of transition. Now that we have eight more deacons and deaconesses, the workload of our existing officers will surely improve. I am also grateful to the new leaders for stepping in and sharing the load.
Lest we forget, here are the pledges the installed leaders and the congregation made:
<To the Deacons Elect>
1. Do you believe the books of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and promise to follow them as the perfect and inerrant rule for our faith and conduct?
2. Do you believe that the Presbyterian doctrines are acceptable to represent the teachings of the Old and New Testaments and promise to follow them sincerely?
3. Do you accept the office of deaconship at Young Nak Church of Toronto and promise to serve the church in all sincerity, care for those in need, and to collect offerings?
4. As stewards of Jesus Christ, do you promise to work for peace, unity, and holiness of the church?
<To the Congregants>
Dear members of Young Nak Church of Toronto, do you promise to respect, encourage, and follow these officers, the elders, the deacons, the gwonsas, whom you have chosen, in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and church governance?
May the Lord bless our officers, old and new, and let us continue to work hard for His Kingdom and His righteousness!
Pastor Minho Song