Pastor Tim Tang’s Sudden Passing

Dear COAH,

Pastor Tim Tang has been a great champion and supporter of urban mission in Toronto. As the director of Tyndale Intercultural Centre, he led a team of people committed to bringing the gospel to various people groups in the Greater Toronto Area. I was so shocked to hear that he died in his sleep last week. He was only in his late 40's! Many who have worked with him echo the sentiment that he always encouraged people with the Kingdom perspectives and positive spirit. I would agree.

Pastor Tim's passing is another telling reminder that we are not here on earth for a long time (and definitely not forever). Someone posted on social media that he learned only too late why Tim would not answer the phone calls or the text messages he sent or why he did not show up for the lunch meeting last week. Another person posted that the whole experience seemed surreal to him because he was supposed to travel with pastor Tim to the States for a conference the following week.

Death has a powerful sting. If it wasn't for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our life on earth would be meaningless. We must remember that there will come a time when we will drop everything. Yes, when death knocks on our door, we must drop everything and leave just like how a game ends the final whistle. If we believe this statement, then we will not waste our time and resources by living aimlessly. Instead, we will do our best to please the Lord in everything we do.


Pastor Minho Song


I See Hope


Secular campuses, come!