Let Lake Superior teach us

My favourite camping spot is Pancake Bay Provincial Park. Situated one hour north of Sault St. Marie, the camp site boasts the longest white sand beach in Lake Superior. From end to end, it is 3.5 km long. The water is usually warm in August and ideal for freshwater swim. Meja and I spent this past week camping in Pancake Bay. This is now our third visit. Even though the weather was a bit cold, and it even rained for two nights this time, we were so happy to be with nature here at the park.

There is something about being close to nature. It feels like being close to God. Well, since God created nature, it should not be a surprise! I see the vast water of Lake Superior and am mesmerized by my finite existence. I am so small and finite. But God is so big and infinite. Even the Great Lakes are tiny dots in the eyes of God. I need to be reminded of this truth from time to time.  

While nature displays the splendour of God’s handy work, we humans often forget how big God is. When I think of the unjust war in Ukraine and Putin's resolve to keep control in that part of the world, I think of man’s rebellion against God. It is an absolute illusion of Putin that his power will last. He needs to come to realize how small he is in the sight of God. Lake Superior can teach him a lesson in that regard.


Pastor Minho Song


We should read the Bible more slowly.


Jesus in the Book of Revelation