Senior Pastor Search Committee Update #2

Shalom! Greetings to the members of Young Nak Church of Toronto in the name of the Lord.


Following the first update of the search committee on Sunday, April 16th, with the prayers and encouragement of many church members, our committee members prepared the necessary forms (advertisement, application form, recommendation request, recommendation form, etc.) for the calling process. The members also united in spirit to prepare the first (document screening) screening criteria to select candidates who would proceed to the second round of screening. In addition, we have prepared with much anticipation and prayer, a list of respected pastors from both North America and Korea to seek their recommendations for faithful servants of the Lord who are prepared to lead the future of Young Nak Church of Toronto. The search committee met on Tuesday, July 4 to finalize the necessary steps for the first round of screening process. Starting Sunday, July 16, the advertisement will be featured on the Church website, North American newspapers, Christian websites, as well as the Korean Christian Gazette and seminaries, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the search committee. Concurrently, the search committee will send recommendation requests and necessary documents to the pastors. We would like to inform you that recommendations and applications for the first round will be accepted until Sunday, September 10, at midnight. 


For your reference, the qualifications are as follows:

  • Member of the Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA) or who is not disqualified from joining

  • Must be a graduate of a seminary accepted by the KPCA and hold a theological seminary (M.Div.) degree or higher

  • Eligible to legally work in Canada

  • Fluent in Korean and English

  • Minimum of 7 years of ministry experience (including as an associate pastor) in full-time ministry after receiving ordination as a pastor.

  • Blameless in denominational and social law.


I recognize that it is time for all of us to sincerely pray. I eagerly anticipate witnessing the hand of God at work and humbly request your prayers. Thank you. 


Search Schedule

Tasks related to the calling

2023.04 ~ 2023.05:  Prepare, review and finalize various forms related to the calling

2023.06: Prepare selection criteria of referring party. List and selection of referring party

2023.07 ~ 2023.09: Prepare, send and receive recommendation requests / Post advertisements and receive applications

2023.09: 1st screening and notification of results

2023.10 ~ 2023.11: 2nd screening (candidates who passed the 1st screening)

2023.12 ~ 2024.02: 3rd screening (candidates who passed the 2nd screening)

2024.02.25: Present the finalists (2 or 3) at the February Session

2024.02.25: Dissolution of the search committee after the report to the Session

2024.03: Congregational meeting for the 1st candidate upon receiving approval from the Session

2024.09: Present the petition to the Fall Presbytery

PS: Please note that the schedule is subject to change.


July 9, 2023


Chair of the search committee Elder Ki-Young Baik



Guard Your Emotions


Our resolve for the second half of 2023