A Look Back & A Look Forward

Dear Church,


We have been through a lot of changes at CoaH in the past several months. The transition has been difficult, and we are not out of the woods yet. The trouble started when the two congregations (EM and KM) drifted apart even though we are one church. In some ways, we could say that it was only natural. Many EM members are already in the mid-years of their life, and the congregation has matured over the years. Just the size of CoaH alone is one of the bigger congregations in our presbytery.


Two pastors and a few key leaders have decided to move out and start their church. As I had told you before, when the Session elders learned of this plan, they prayerfully decided to bless the new church. If the Spirit was leading this plan, we did not want to oppose it. So, here we are. This Sunday will be the last Sunday together as some of us will leaving for a new church, and some will stay to rebuild the congregation. Separation is always hard. Though painful, let us look to the Lord and be grateful for the moments we had together. Even after the break-up, let us keep in touch and find ways to work together for the Kingdom’s sake. 


For those of us staying on, we have a lot of work to do. Leaders are working hard to ensure that Sunday worship and Life Groups run smoothly. We are also in the process of inviting a new pastor. Would you please pray that someone who values the interdependent relationship of EM and KM will join us? Changes that we are going through seem unbearable at times, but they will help us move forward in the right direction. Let us be more willing and intentional in closing the gap between EM and KM. Let us find ways to work more effectively for the Kingdom.


We should appreciate the fact that two congregations have had different spiritual journeys and cultural backgrounds. The first-generation Korean immigrants sacrificed a lot to establish the current church. They provided an essential spiritual home for weary immigrants -- a fact that EM members would do well to know and recognize. At the same time, KM members need to appreciate how valuable EM members are who will continue the work of the Gospel in mainstream society. Whether EM or KM, we are all called to serve the Kingdom, and we ought to love one another and pray for one another.


“How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!” (Ps. 133:1)


May the LORD bless you.
Pastor Minho Song






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