Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Wednesday

Wednesday, April 1, AD 33

Compared to the first three days of this week, Wednesday was relatively quiet -- at least for Jesus it was.  On this day, the gospel writers tell us that his only activity was to go to the temple and continue teaching the people.  However, the religious leaders were anything but quiet.  After the strong rebuke Jesus gave the religious leaders the previous day, the offended leaders had had enough, and they resolutely set out to get rid of him.  They’re planning and plotting how to go about this wicked plan.



I find it interesting that during the final week of his life, even when he knew what awaited him in just a couple of days, Jesus was about his Father’s business.  Do you remember when Jesus was attending the Passover with his parents, journeying from Nazareth to Jerusalem?  On their way back home, the young Jesus was nowhere to be found.  His parents back track their steps and find Jesus at the temple, listening, learning, and asking questions.  Now, this is his final Passover feast, and there he is again, as he was 20 years ago, in the temple, but this time, he’s the one teaching, and everyone else is listening.  Each of us must assume the posture of a listener, a learner, sitting attentively at the feet of Jesus, like Mary did and Martha didn’t. 


Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Thursday


Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Tuesday