Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Monday

Monday, March 30, AD 33

It’s a new day and we are just a few days away from Friday.  On this day, we find Jesus and his disciples returning to Jerusalem.  At the end of the previous day, they went outside of the city for lodging.  Well, on their way, their stomachs started to grumble when they came across a fig tree, but this tree had no fruit, so, he cursed it. That is, he pronounced a judgment on it.  Why did he do that?  Well, in the Old Testament the nation of Israel is compared to a fig tree.  You see where this is going?  Jesus is pronouncing a curse upon Israel for their lack of fruit. 


The intensity of the day builds up when he visits the temple.  What did he see?  Moneychangers and the animals for the sacrifice occupying the Court of the Gentiles.  The merchants were not only taking advantage of the worshipers, but by setting up shop in the Court, they prevented Gentile worshipers of God from worshiping.  We know what Jesus did; he overturned the tables and threw the merchants out.  He told everyone that this temple is meant to be a house of prayer for the nations.  This foreshadows the extent of his own sacrifice.  For whose sins will Jesus die?  He will die not only for the Jewish people, but for people of all nations.  When we get to the book of Acts, we see that becoming a fresh reality. 



In the temple cleansing we see Jesus displaying the perfect balance of concern for God and his honour and for the needs of people.  He cared that God’s temple was being misused.  He cared that worship of God, prayers to God were not happening, but he also cared for the worshiper, the masses of people, Gentile believers, who were prevented from doing what is most important, worshiping God.  Jesus is perfect in holiness and in all his acts.  Do you share the same balance with Jesus -- balancing your zeal for God with your concern for people?  Also, let’s praise God that because of Christ, we don’t ever have to worry about being fruitless and cursed, like that fig tree, but at the same time, let’s dedicate ourselves to Him, to serve him with our lives.


Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Tuesday


Passion Week Devotions 2021 – Sunday