Baptism & Confirmation

We are so grateful to God that you have come to faith in Jesus Christ and are now obeying His command to be baptized and confirmed. We offer both adult and infant baptism, and adult confirmation.  

What is adult baptism?

Baptism is a sacrament, a holy ordinance of the church that was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ. It was His direct command that we are to baptize all who believe in Him. It is an outward sign of the inward cleansing that was done to us through Christ’s death and resurrection. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for Infant Baptism information.

You should be baptized if all of the following applies to you:

  1. You were never baptized as an infant.

  2. You were never baptized as an adult (14 years or older). Baptism is to be administered only once in a person’s lifetime.

  3. You have repented of your sins and trusted in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead, then you are a Christian, and thus you should be baptized.

What is confirmation?

As Presbyterians, we believe that baptism is to be administered to the children of Christians. Many of you were baptized as infants and you have now come to the point in your life where you want to ‘confirm’ the faith that your parents planted in you.

You should be confirmed if all of the following applies to you.

  1. You were baptized as an infant.

  2. You are over 14 years of age.

  3. You have repented of your sins and trusted in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead, then you are a Christian, and thus you should be confirmed.

Next Steps

We offer Baptism, Confirmation and Membership classes for those interested. Candidates will be interviewed by a pastor or an elder in the time prior to the first class.

The full Baptism/Confirmation and Membership process involves a 10 week commitment (every Sunday) as follows:

  • Weeks 1 & 2: Baptism/Confirmation Classes led by a CoaH pastor

  • Week 3: Membership Class Baptism/Confirmation candidates merge with membership candidates for membership class

  • Week 4: Elder Interview led by a CoaH elder

  • Week 5: Baptism/Confirmation Ceremony at 12pm Worship Service: Ceremonies are held right before Easter, in July, and before Thanksgiving.

  • Weeks 6-10: New Believers’ Classes led by a CoaH elder

If you are not yet a Christian, then please register for this class called Christianity Explored by contacting our office.  This is a seven-week study investigating the questions, “Who is Jesus and why did he come?” Everyone and their questions are welcome.

If you are ready for adult baptism or confirmation, please register by completing this form and emailing it to

Infant Baptism

As Presbyterians, we believe the Bible teaches that the children of believing parents are to be baptized and welcomed into the covenant church family. We see a clear connection between the Old Testament ceremony of circumcision, now being replaced by the New Testament ceremony of baptism.

In order for you to have your child baptized, one or both of the child’s parents must be an adult baptized or confirmed member of the church. If you are not a member, please register with our office for the next membership class.

Next Steps

  1. Register by filling out form titled Infant Baptism Application Form.

  2. Attend the class that will be held on a Saturday.

  3. Be interviewed by one of the church elders a week or two prior to the ceremony.

  4. Attend the ceremony that’s conducted the first Sunday of May and November.

For additional information on adult or infant baptism, please contact us.